The goals of a chiropractic joint adjustment (or manipulation) are to correct musculoskeletal dysfunction, improve range of movement and reduce pain.

The Benefits of Adjustments

Adjusting (manipulation) restores motion and overcomes abnormal restrictive barriers. This helps:

  1. Restore motion – both symmetry and range of motion
  2. Normalise biomechanics and load distribution
  3. Pump out waste products and oedematous fluid
  4. Improve nutrition to discs and articular cartilage
  5. Relax tight muscles
  6. Normalise proprioception – joint position sense
  7. Stimulate sensory-motor reflexes which improves dynamic muscular stabilization of joints
  8. Accelerate healing (movement increases metabolic rate and increases collagen and protein production)
  9. Improve the alignment of new connective tissue.

Spine front

A Healthy Spine from front on view

Spine side

A Healthy Spine from side on view

“Chiropractic increases intersegmental motion of restricted cervical joints and reduces excess motion of adjacent hypermobile joints” – Yeomans1

Chiropractic bases its philosophy on the broadly accepted principle that the body has its own inherent healing power and ability to resist disease. Its tendency is to return to normal health.

While it is not our only goal to focus on pain, it is certainly one of the main driving forces behind why people seek our help at Shirley Rd Chiropractic. A chiropractor can detect spinal dysfunction before there is any pain and improving function is the key to long-term pain relief. Joints that have good function are not painful!2 But also keep in mind the absence of symptoms does not necessarily mean normal function.3

“Pain is the last thing to come, and the first thing to go” – Brent Gordon


  1. Yeomans (1992) J. Manip. Physiol. Ther. 15: 106-114.
  2. Liebenson, S. (1996) Rehabilitation of the Spine. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore. 13-43.
  3. Kibler, Herring, et al. (1998) Functional rehabilitation of sports and musculoskeletal injuries. Aspen Publications, Gaitersburg.