Shirley Rd Chiropractic Blog

5 05, 2017

Spinal Health Week 2017


Spinal Health Week 2017 is just 1 week away!

Spinal Health Week 20172020-06-03T11:31:02+10:00
2 04, 2016

Improving Your Balance As A Dancer


We all know how important it is to have a strong sense of balance as a dancer to accurately, and safely, perform adage work, pirouettes and essentially every skill in class.

Improving Your Balance As A Dancer2020-06-04T16:05:27+10:00
3 03, 2016

A Football Specific Injury Prevention Programme


As we dust off the boots and prepare to kick off another football season, Shirley Rd Chiropractic inevitably sees an increase in ankle, knee, hip and lower back injuries.

A Football Specific Injury Prevention Programme2020-06-09T11:47:54+10:00
5 04, 2015

Spinal Health Week 2015


During Spinal Health Week 2015 make a complimentary appointment at Shirley Rd Chiropractic for a spinal health and posture check-up for a friend or family member.

Spinal Health Week 20152020-06-05T16:22:58+10:00
4 01, 2015

Spinal Care And Exercise More Effective Than Paracetamol For Back Pain And Osteoarthritis


Researchers from the University of Sydney, St. Vincent's Hospital, the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Concord Hospital in Sydney, funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council have recently published a paper in the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Spinal Care And Exercise More Effective Than Paracetamol For Back Pain And Osteoarthritis2020-06-05T16:41:37+10:00
11 09, 2014

Margaret Is Set To Retire


After 10 years at Shirley Rd Chiropractic Margaret (Maggie), our receptionist, is retiring. Margaret began working at Shirley Rd Chiropractic after initially being a patient and having had plenty of previous experience as a receptionist for a podiatry centre.

Margaret Is Set To Retire2020-06-03T12:02:40+10:00
7 09, 2014

Good Luck To Jaelle Cohen At The Upcoming Commonwealth Games


Chiropractic care from Shirley Rd Chiropractic has helped Jaelle Cohen maintain optimal fitness over the past few years as she prepares to compete in the hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon events.

Good Luck To Jaelle Cohen At The Upcoming Commonwealth Games2020-07-20T12:17:20+10:00
7 09, 2014

Chiropractic As A Drug-free Alternative For Low Back Pain


The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia National President Dr Lawrence Tassell is calling for the Australian Government to provide more support and greater inclusion of chiropractic in the public health care system, following results published on the ineffectiveness of paracetamol for low-back pain.

Chiropractic As A Drug-free Alternative For Low Back Pain2020-06-09T11:19:47+10:00
5 09, 2014

Spinal Health Week 2014


Yesterday launched Spinal Health Week, the CAA initiative aimed to encourage Australians to become more proactive in their own healthcare with the theme “Live better, We’ve Got Your Back”.

Spinal Health Week 20142020-06-05T16:56:03+10:00